Thursday, October 6, 2011

Penat TAPI (...)

long time no see kwn2 ye...
-secebis rasa pahit kehidupanku...-

hidup yang xpenah kering dengan UJIAN dari TUHAN... letih menghadapi tapi terpaksa berdepan dengan UJIAN tersebut.. payah nak digambarkan tapi terpaksa luahkan untuk secebis hati menemui ketenangan sementara di dunia ini... apa yang dipinta ialah supaya dipermudahkan segala urusan dalam menempuhi UjIan INI... hidup hanya persinggahan sementara...dan semestinya TUHAN ingin menguji kekuatan iman kita wahai Manusia... jadi diberiNYA dugaan dan cabaran untuk kita tempuhi.... segalanya bergantung pada kekuatan IMAN kita untuk terus bertahan menempuhi dugaan dan rintangan dariNYA... insyallah... dengan berbekalkan iman, taqwa kita akan berjaya melepasi saat2 genting dalam hidup kita ini...

secebis hati yang menangis memohon dipermudahkan dalam menghadapi dugaan ni... merayu pada TUHANNYA supaya dihindari dari segala dugaan yang tidak termampu oleh diri ini... hati ini...yang terpaksa menanggung sakit nya, bebannya, seakan-akan telah lali dengan hidup ini... tapi apakan daya kita untuk menyerah pada permulaan ujian yang diberi olehNYA... jadi nasihat pada hati... BERTAHANLAH duhai HATI... sesungguhnya ALLAH bersama org2 yang sabar....

menangisku padaMU YA ALLAH... memohon agar diringankan UJIAN ni.... meminta PADAMU agar dijauhkan dari musibah dan perkara2 yang memudaratkan diri ini juga keluarga semuanya.... moga secebis doa dari hambaMU yang hina ini diterima OLehMU wahai TUHAN SEKALIAN ALAM....

kembalikanlah kedamaian untuk kami sekeluarga... dan jangan KAU palingkan hati kami apabila KAU beri hidayahMU ya ALLAH... amin...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

sem break.... aka BOSAN :D

sekarang adalah semester jdnya... ianyalah amat MemBOSANKAN....
so..... kena buat aktiviti supaya tak BOSAN tp tetap BOSAN

Saturday, July 23, 2011

life is hurting me kali ni... menyedihkan..sbb cter hdup ak yg x kering dgn ujian dari ALLAH... sekurang2nye Allah ingat aku....sbb tu dia bg ujian ni kan.. emm... just accept it dear... selepas mak aku sakit..baru nak rase hdup bahagia seperti kwn2 laen yg punya keluarga... tapi Tuhan bg kami rasa sekejap ja... sbb Tuhan ada lagi ujian ke atas kami sekeluarga... aku rasa hidup ak plg mencabar la... hehe sbb ...

yup mmg skg aku da masalah...yg sangat besar... haha ( AFIEZA DA MASALAH KE ) kelakar kan. sbb aku nampak hepi je... sape tahu dalam hati menangis mntak semua ni berakhir cepat... n ofkos MAZZYHA tahu apa yang aku alami sekarang... luar mungkin ak AFIEZA yg gila2... tp dalam ak tetap seorang hamba ALLAH yang lemah... lemah akan ujian dariNYA.. lemah dr sudut untuk berhadapan dengan ujianMU ya ALLAH... sesungguhnya....Ujian ni amat berat buat kami... ak pretend utk buat diri ak hepi tanpa memikirkan masalah ni semua.. tp apakan daya ak ttp manusia biasa... ak xleh pretend hepi kat sini.. tp akibatnya bapak n kakak ak ari2 menangis sbb ujian ni...

tp aku kan kuat... :) sbb ak menangis depan MAZZYHA je ehehhe... dan sb ak kan AFIEZA.... mungkin lah.... tp ak ttp manusia biase.. :(

Ya Allah.. andai ni takdir kami....kami rela Ya ALLAH... andai ni tertulis buat kami... kami Redha.. tp berilah kami kekuatan menghadapi ujian dariMU ni ya Allah... kami hamba Mu yang kerdil lagi hina dan lemah... KAU berilah kami kekuatan menempuh ujian MU tanpa rasa was2 Ya RABB...

Friday, July 8, 2011

yes.. I am strong !!

afieza kan kuat..tabah.. :\

hye.. feel like killing myself n get lost from this world... oh i shouldn't feel like that huh... after all .. problem keeps chasing me n family.. how should i welcome all this PROBLEm.. should i say.. hey thank God u came ... or should i neglect it just like that... how it keeps make me cry.. to this blog... i try to express all my feeling right now... nobody else are there to let me borrow their ears... of no... there are lots.. but i feel like burdening them.. ofkos.. they supposedly happy enjoying their life not buzzy focusing on others problem right..

emm... how should i describe my life right now.. am i happy... or am i satisfied with my life.. or am i sad about my whole story in my life... oh i dont have any answer for every question that i myself made up... hmm....

day by day... accompany by tears... i never asked for that tears to burst off from my eyes....but it happened.... just like that.. what can i do ??? do i now like blaming my fate?? yaaa i seem like that huh... u cant just blame your fate... just 'SABAR'.....

yes..people could only say SABAR... bcoz they just sympathy toward us... they are not in our place... but just with that word SABAR i would like to say thank you to all people who understand our situation especially our hard time..

and wih that..i hope u all will always pray for us for a better life n may Allah hear your DOA... and i really hope u will be Reward by Allah...insyaAllah..... to all.... thank you..n may Allah bless u....

final word... to my dad : u are so special person Allah has created... n i thank Allah bcoz HE give me a SPECIAL DAD like u... n with the situation we a facing now... i really hope that u will always patient n make a correct decision for our family... no rush... no hurry... just ask for Allah help... forever i will always love u... thank you very much....

Friday, June 24, 2011


nak novel ni semua !!!!!!!

* i want this first*

*can't wait*

*please *

*i want to read*

nak sangat bende ni semua sekali..............tolonglah... i need MPH..POPULAR or any bookstore please heheheh.... addicted to these novels already.. hehee

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

keep it as a secret PLEASE !!


sometime we even dont know if we are hurting the person we love or care something like that lah kn.... and sometime jgak... we will do anything weird things until we hurt others !! did u know what i am trying to say !! hehe...

its kinda weird u know when we do love this person but we never ever think about her or his feeling toward us !! how to say this huh !!
we dont know whether he or she do love us back as much as we love them !! emm.. i am not that good in this LOVE matter bcoz i never experienced it before !! hehe ye lah kn :) but i am here just to say about this matter that sometime gets me into it !! others problem... not mine oke guys hehe

and please do keep it (your feeling) as a secret... i know people tends to story to others to make he or her feeling better.. but dont ever trust people will always listen to you... emm... im not pointing to anybody but just think back... it might be you or ME wrong !! hehehe we always make mistake anyway....

emm... i might be someone who are hypocrite... bcoz what im saying is not what i did... but... secret is always remain as a secret .. here i just want to say... its better u n your heart know what u feels right now... it will never doubted any others... :)

anyway fren... if u feel im not in your side !! i guess u wrong... but its all up to both of u... but for sure..dont ever make any one of u are hurting by one of ur actions... (betol ke ayat) lantakla hehehe

WAKE up... chase your success is better :)
btw this is just my opnion n my feeling.. its might hurt someone or advise to someone... but do think positive yyaaahhh.... its all for your own good !!!

renung-renungkanlah...selamat MENCUBA :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

not a GOOD day !!!


bangun pagi...mandi...siap !! pakai tdg LABUH oke... berdiri depan cermin kat bilik KAK SHA !! IROn balik tdg LABUH tu !!.. lepas tu hah LANTAKLAH... msok bilik !! siapkan diri lg !! tension.. siap buku..pakai kasut & KELUAR menuju LIF p7.. menanti EFFA di depan marhalah... naek kete.. masok DK IT.. BLaja... n so on...

but i'm not going to write about my daily routine lah kn...sape je nk dengar !! no AW class but still have to see her for our RESEARCH !! .. mine at 12.10 am..
with SEgunUNG harapan !! ak pon dengan selambanya masok ke BILIK MADAM dengan semangat... tanpa berbekalkan APE2 READING MATERIALS oke !!...
sebab ingatnya ... ak nk tye sal tajok aku yang amat mencurigakan... ak cuma prepare some note about the short stories... tp ak mmg x tunjuk lah kat MADAM... ak letak je kat bawah meja dia.. hehehe...

salah ak jgk tak bawak banyak READING MATERIALS kan !! .. emmm... xpela...nk wat cmne kan.... AFIEZA markah ko untuk tu akn SIKIT ko paham !!

tp lagi menyedihkan... TUKAR TAJUK ye kak !! maap... tp tolong tukar ye !!! hah......................................................

mengantok la dengar...rase nk kunyah gegendang telinga sape2 je !! haishhhh...
so GOOGLE plez help me ye DEAR ! :)

balik....minum cendol smbil kunyah C-A-K-O-I
hahahahhahah smbil bayangkan seseorg !!!!!!!!!!!!
kunyah sepuasnya !!!
sambil melepas kemarahan kepda mazzyha... pastu tros search kat lappy ni... cr psal literature smpai nk MUNTAh..... ziee msk maggi...makan !!! sambung balik !!!

sampai sekarang !!
mungkin da HIKMAHNYA ....
sabar :)

tu je nk least ak rase ringan sikit otak ni !!
sbb nk ckp pon CIK MAZZYHA TIDOOOO


Saturday, June 18, 2011

its FATHER DAY everyone !!


if we have MOTHER Day... to celebrate OUR MOM in this world.. it will be not fair if we dont
celebrate OUR HERO..(FATHER) who also the most MEANINGFUL person in our life...
to my father : i am grateful to be born as your daughter.. im very thankful for that.. im sorry for being such a naughty daughter to you.. n also makes u in trouble .. sorry for that yaa father.

you who take care of me since i was a baby !!
you who comb my hair when i was a child !!
you who always persuade me when im not in my mood !!
you always there when i needs you !!
you always by my side in no matter what i had in life !!
you who always gives me inspiration !!
you who motivate me everyday !!
you who turns me to be WHO I AM NOW !!
you who raised me up !!
you who gives me all i want in life !!
you who makes me smile !!


(its Him ^-^)

if i could do anything to make u always happy. i will definitely to it DAD... definitely !!
in my life i just want to see my parents happy ever after !!
i love you very much.. u r the best father in this whole world !!
deep in my heart .. YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING !!
you my HERO !!

to that YOU ... lots of THANK !!

there is no present for you !! but do accept this..
smile always dad !!
saranghaee :)

Friday, June 17, 2011



.. in life, there were peoples around us who makes us happy.. not to forget people who make our life more meaningful and peaceful.. of course that person are SAHABAT... that promised to be by your side in your sad n happy time... n never leave u behind whether what had happened to u.. to that SAHABAT.. tHANK YOU !!!

(kak cermin mata & MISS gg BESI )

to be by my side in all situation.. a lots of thank i dedicated to all of u... May ALLAH bless all of u... to guide me to the right way... tq again.. to share all the pain i had... tq again.. to laugh with me when i was so happy... tq again.. n to cry with me when i'm sad... well tq frens...

(DELS 5 )

there are lot i want to say.,... but... the most words that i want to SAY is... I AM GLAD TO HAVE FRIENDS LIKE ALL OF YOU AND I ALWAYS THANK ALLAH FOR THIS SPECIAL GIFT !!

(gegirl in DELS 5)

a special thanks to this person :

: nur afifah zulkefli
: mazzyha marzuki
: nurul 'aniqah sazale
: nur faizatul akmal abdul latiff
: nurul bahiyah abdul hamid
: nurul farhanim sahidan
: ammyrah abdu razak
: fadhlina hamidi
: nur faseha annasihah ariffin
: BUDAK2 SMKTBG...(3k1 & 3k2)

(bayah n fad)

with lots of love thank once again... thank for being a part of my life..n make my life more meaningful... MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US.... :D

saranghae !!!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

it hapen again !!

in my life i will never forget about what had happened in my life !! the most critical period where i,my sis, n my father.. was struggling to make my mom healthy back.. when the time, my mom can eat, can walk, can laugh, can cooked us our fav food.. chitchat with us.. spend her time with us...can said " hey my childrens... im back ".. that was the most precious moment in my life !! seeing my mom like that.. makes me feel... mom had recovered, my mom is really my MOM !!.. to see my father smile.. makes me said :" dad, i really miss ur smile "..

welcome back...
& to see everyone in my family felt more enjoyed bcause lots of suffered we had !! all i can say is THANK YOU ALLAH ...

i really hope..that..there were no more tears in our life after this terrible moment.. but who knows!!! its HIS works after all... that moment came again.. the moment i hate a lot... i felt sad to story about my sad life !! but only in this blog i can express all i feel right now.. so.. make it clear.. my life now is just like waiting for a second chance to live again !! my life is sucks !! u really rude afieza.. how come u say like that huh !!..
to heard the news from my sister..makes me want to sleep for a long time !! .. :(

dad.... i love you... be strong hero..
sis... this is our fate..
what we can do... DOA.. n thank you ALLAH for this test..
its meant YOU remembered us...
what a life !!
MOM.. i really miss u the way u are...

please come back !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

: poem 'dream' :

oh i want to show u guys one of my skill hehe.. in writing a poem....

i have a dream
even if i'm thrown away
deep in my heart
i have a dream as precious as a gem

i'm nobody
without this dream
i should firmly face it
and wait for that day to come

i will sail the world
to find this dream
one day i definitely will achieve it
because i believe in my dream

yes, i have a dream
i can't let it go
i will do all i can
to make my dream become reality

hehe...that is my poem.. for my literature subject btw hehe..
simple.. n just nice i think hehehe,,

enjoy it frens... :)

i WANT to go HOME

what a felling right now.. like i want to pack my things n go back to penang immediately !! but do u guys think... i will being able to do that.. !! no need to answer la... mmg x lah jwbya ahaaa.. emm sad n disappointed when this matter is talking about noow..

its school holiday btw guys... there must be all of my relatives are there !! at home.. together2.. wahhhh mcm... banggang ja.. :( & for me.. i will be accompany with my loyal roomate MAZZYHA hahha...

what a life... bored !! nothing to do except ASSIGNMENT..

to my sis... take note... have a safe journey yaa... take care of your stuff... at de airport... annd of course i would like to have some of the KEK BATIK SARAWAK.... so... can u plan with mom n dad to visit me somehow.... waaaa i want to cry.... do visit me please....

emm... i'm like a bird waiting for food hahaha
i extremely miss u all...


Thursday, May 26, 2011

come BACK :)

its been a while yaah... hehehe.. i was a long period of time hahaa since i managed this blog,.. anyway here i came again with lots of story... ready to be share with all of u frens.... ehehe..

first of all... i'm in my semester 5 already lorh... hehe... dah nk hbs ak belajo ye... hehehe 1 more sem to go... yeahh fighting... ye AFIEZA n kawan-kawannya ehe....

with my new roomate merangkap kawan sekelas ak a.k.a kawan baek ak.... MAZZYHA marzuki ehehhe.... menggile bersama la jwbnye haa... emm.. xlupe jgk wat kwn2 ak...yg disayangi setiap saat... afifah zulkefli n aniqah sazale... walaupon korg bkn pgkat roomate korang ak sayang sgt ye hehehe
sem baru..lagi banyak yang perlu dipelajari n dperbaiki... i'Allah... same2 kite blajar english ye.. this sem seem to be the real challenging in my study hehe... bbanyak perlu dipikirkan hehe..


em... pe lagi ye... ?? rase seronok ble dah masok blaja balik...jumpe kekawan semua.. what a life i had.. hehehe.... btww..
kawan-kawan... marilah kita belaja untuk berjaya heehe..... sem ni.. mmg MENCABAR :)

thats all... 4 now...
c yaaa :D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

its KOREA time !!!

after the sad n horrible story just now... now comes the most happening time ever haha...its korea time... ! NOW my routine is really buzy with watching korean dramas... haha there are lots of story that i watched during this semester breaks.. hahah

: the thorn birds

:: paradise ranch

:: midas

:: dream high

:: we got married (yongseo)

:: sign :: love you thousand times

am i a KOREAN fanatic hahaha... what can i share here...korean dramas n reality shows are DAEBAK... hahah...not bored at all...its make me want more n more... watch n watch n watch.. hhahahaha...what can i say.... u should watch all of this too...hahaha...together be a K-POP fanatic.... lets crazy with korean drama.. hahahhah :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

OOOHH no !!

hye frens... regarding my title above i would like to say that i'm getting fat n BOOM... oh noo... how must i control my weight ?? it makes me worried until scared tahap babonnn ... :P
first of all... its my mom mistake hahaa...bcoz she always cooked delicious food that makes me hungry n hungry ahahhaa.... also to my dad... that always give me money whenever i asked for money !!! hahaha (ape plak salah makbapa ak kan )
ooh... don't blame people u girl !! u the ones who eat until u forget yourself ... hmmm really enjoy the foods hah !! hehe
ofkos i enjoyed it bcoz i don't have any work to do besides eat,..sleep....n watch tv hahaha
and that be the most reasons why are u getting fat girl... try la to control your diet girl...xkan nk gemok lg...skg pon u already fat lah..... emmm howww?? ottoke ??
i can just pray for the holidays to end faster.. i can't live at home..i eat alot/..... each seconds i would like to have something in my mouth !! that's too much huuuu...
pleaseeee....helllppp me....
go away rice....
go away heavy foods...
run away from me !!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

160311 : well done & congrate sis

emm.... 16 MARCH 2011... that is yesterday was my sis convocation day... it was held at PICC putrajaya.. my family was there was a wonderful day to my sis,mom, and dad.. it was a great day.. a blessing day.. a day with thousand of memory of sad n happiness to my sis... IT'S A DAY OF JOYFUL..

after 5 years and 6 months she had studied at IPIS ( institut perguruan islam selangor ) taking sarjana BAHASA ARAB now is this to celebrate her day with a IJAZAH.. she received ijaazah n also a flower .. it was very a great moment i ever seen...

to see my sis in a blue JUBAH.. its make me proud to have a sis like her... she is very smart in her study.. also in her life... she is most like my idol.. although she dont receive any ANUGERAH... but to see her at the stage for receiving her ijazah make my dad n mom cried.. the most valuable moment in my parents life to see their kids success in their life..

afer what my sis has gone through.... in her life... she now can STANDS TO THE WORLD AND SAY IT LOUDLY : THAT I already SUCCEED IN MY LIFE...

what can i say here... i love you very much although i never express it to you... n i very proud to have a sis like you... yes i'm very proud of you !!!



Monday, March 14, 2011

* 15 MARCH 2011 *

tarikh ini...memberi kegembiraan wat kami sekeluarga...bcause a cute little girl has born to see the world n became our little princess after the subuh prayer..alhamdulillah THANK GOD.. name ?? dont know yet hehe....

congrate to my sis...nor zunairah rojahan.... n bro yusoff.... may this little princess became a very good daughter to both of u..

also congrate to my aunt n uncle... rohimah n rojahan... for this first grandaughter.. hehehe <3..
also to all my aunt n uncle n my cousin hehehe


can't wait to see this little princess.. she mmust be very cute bcause her MAKNGAH (ME) is very cute u know ! haha

my life is enjoyable a bell ring......shows that my semester breaks begin... :D .... the most enjoyable time has come... its will be my best life time haha.....

i have plan all my activities in this semester break.... but who knows what will happen right... plan is i'm going to look up for a part time work... to get some sallary to buy things that i want... heheh... it a habit for us women to buy lots of thing right ??? so that my plan... but unfortunetely ... luck is not with me.... my mom n dad.... dont approve my request to go for a work... n then ofcourse lah...i became the most lazy person in the world because...all i n eat... and i became the most fat PRINCESS... hahaha

emmm.... never mind as long i have enough time for myself...hehehe....
really miss to have a time with my collegue...lepak king at tasik cafe...owh can't wait to begin new sem with all of u......

hehe.... what can i say... this semester break going to be a mysterious n adventure moment to become a fatty SITI NUR AFIEZA.... hahha

p/s : guys don't shock when u all c me next sem..... its a CHOLESTROL SEMESTER BREAK....

weaaahhhh....c yaa...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

* last sem wif my Pi FREN *

it's not like we will never see each other again... but it might happen if all of us r bz with our life... perhaps to c them often..
emm it has been about 2 years since the first time i registered as SIIuc student... first of all.... applause to my loyalty roomate... NUR AFHATIN SYAFIRA.... she is not just my roomate but she is my superb fren who always there for me.. n the ever person who knows well my character n my behaviour... it has been 4 sem we're leaving together in this KUIS world... its been very enjoyable n interesting when i live with u.... u r the most understanble fren.. n i thank u for that... i thank AlLAH bcoz HE planned so we can met together... and became a roomate n fren... its is so pleasure to live with u...even sometimes i kept make u feel uneasy to stay with me.... thank you again for all your patientnest when we're together... i really appreciate it.... i would like u to know.... i was really thankful to have a fren like u...... n saranghae chingguuu <3
and also sayonara to all my dearest frens.... AYU TAKON...PJA ( my twin )... NOR... MEKSU.... eventhough we're together only when we're in sem 3.. but it was pleasure to have many enjoyable time with all of u..... your smile... laugh... your story.. your strength ( tendang pntu ) n many more...will always in my memories..... sweet memories.....
AYU..... my best pal ever hehehee..... nnt sape nk gosip psal korea ngan ak.... emmmm nnt ak rindu nk pangil yeobo,chinguu, emm.... sonok sgt kenal gan ko.... gelak n kegilaan ko akan dihayati bsma2 hahhahha
PJA...ko slalu ak ingat time besday ye... hahahha.... stiap kali besday kita jgn lupa wish ak oke.....hehhehhehe.....
NOR N MEKSU.... moga berjaya d luar sana... hehehheheh.....
to all my fren.... may ALLAH makes an easy ways for all of us..... may we always in HIS bless... may we always keep in touch eventhough we're apart from each other......jmpa nnt masa konvo..... :D
sayang korang semua..
jmpa lg..
jg diri
u all are part of my life......
thank you for that..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

*selamat ulang tahun sayang*

** ALLAH selmatkan kamu...ALLAH selamatkan kamoo..ALLAH selamatkan ibuku...ALLAH selamatkan CHEMAH YAHAYA...**

.....mak...slamat ulang tahun ..slamat hari jadi... slmat hari lahir.. slamat semuanya...
.....sayang mak sgt2.....
.....rindu mak sangat2.....
.....mak mmg best.....
.....mak memang cantekk..... wish for my gorjes MOM IN DE WORLD...

may ALLAH bless u always.... may ALLAH gives u a good health.... may ALLAH mAKES u always healthy.... may ALLAH protect u ... may ALLAH BLESS our family.....

mom.. even u are getting older u still beautiful... still young heehheh
<> hahahaha
slamat ulang tahun yg ke-46 mom......still young hah!!!! :)
moga mak sentiasa dlm rahmatNYA..mga pa yg di impikan mnjd kenyataan... mg umo panjang... murah rezeki.... d dunia n akhirat mndpt syafaat NYA.. insyaALLAH...

i hve no present for u.... but my promise to u is... im going to make u proud to have a daughter like me..insyaALLAH n i will make u be the happiest parents in this world....

anak mak ni syg sangat kat mak... dia x akan pernah lupakan mak... mak doakn kejayaan anak mak ni tau hehehhehe

c yaa........ i will make u proud.. :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

* willing to let u go *

>its a big confusing, sad,unlucky & so on... we're not meant together ??? oh definitely yes..
WE'RE NOT FOR EACH OTHER...thats make me woke up and realize that u r not mine !! at first it was hurt..scared..unacceptable..unhappy felling..down.. disappointed..

i kept asking myself why why why why why and WHY ??? it was so heavy for me to be in this situation.. was my feeling is REAL??? is my feeling truly to him ?? is my feeling are accepted ?? is my feeling is sincerely ?? oooohhh... what a feeling i had!!!! u make my life ruined !! always thinking about this FEELING !!!... i'm in bad situation NOW !! oh please take me out of this situation !!! i hate this.... u know what ... sometimes... i wonder who are meant for me !! n i wish i could see my destiny ??? who will be part of my life.. to share his beautiful life wif me....but its all ALLAH SECRET... nobody knows.... ehm.. but after i had a talk wif my fren.. i realize that someone meant for us are out there ??? where ?when?how?n who ?? we don't know yet... love is special feeling that ALLAH gives to us.. both men and women... everybody have their own i have decide for no love until ALLAH open my heart for someone that has been fated with me.. someone for me.. so afieza wake up lah sayang... don't be like this.. he is just nothing to you !! he's just nobody... just a shadow for u to chase.. and its wasting time to chase a shadow dear !! we'll never ever get the shadow because it doesn't exist....

so make an improvement... left all this matter at the back... and don't ever looked back again.... and u will surely happy.... n enjoying your beautiful life..
n i'm still thankful to ALLAH because i have many loves from my family... friends.. and everybody... AND REALLY thank to my fren : nurul FARHANIM SAHIDAN bcoz u such a good fren to me >> dear i miss u !!.... sob sob T_T ....

hanim... i'll try my best to forget HIM... but always remind me of this stupid things...make sure i'm out of this.... oh really thank to you dear.. i felt better after told u everything.......

p/s: AFIEZA don't ever sad about this things oke... make yourself better dear !! and always belief in ALLAH....