Saturday, July 23, 2011

life is hurting me kali ni... menyedihkan..sbb cter hdup ak yg x kering dgn ujian dari ALLAH... sekurang2nye Allah ingat aku....sbb tu dia bg ujian ni kan.. emm... just accept it dear... selepas mak aku sakit..baru nak rase hdup bahagia seperti kwn2 laen yg punya keluarga... tapi Tuhan bg kami rasa sekejap ja... sbb Tuhan ada lagi ujian ke atas kami sekeluarga... aku rasa hidup ak plg mencabar la... hehe sbb ...

yup mmg skg aku da masalah...yg sangat besar... haha ( AFIEZA DA MASALAH KE ) kelakar kan. sbb aku nampak hepi je... sape tahu dalam hati menangis mntak semua ni berakhir cepat... n ofkos MAZZYHA tahu apa yang aku alami sekarang... luar mungkin ak AFIEZA yg gila2... tp dalam ak tetap seorang hamba ALLAH yang lemah... lemah akan ujian dariNYA.. lemah dr sudut untuk berhadapan dengan ujianMU ya ALLAH... sesungguhnya....Ujian ni amat berat buat kami... ak pretend utk buat diri ak hepi tanpa memikirkan masalah ni semua.. tp apakan daya ak ttp manusia biasa... ak xleh pretend hepi kat sini.. tp akibatnya bapak n kakak ak ari2 menangis sbb ujian ni...

tp aku kan kuat... :) sbb ak menangis depan MAZZYHA je ehehhe... dan sb ak kan AFIEZA.... mungkin lah.... tp ak ttp manusia biase.. :(

Ya Allah.. andai ni takdir kami....kami rela Ya ALLAH... andai ni tertulis buat kami... kami Redha.. tp berilah kami kekuatan menghadapi ujian dariMU ni ya Allah... kami hamba Mu yang kerdil lagi hina dan lemah... KAU berilah kami kekuatan menempuh ujian MU tanpa rasa was2 Ya RABB...

Friday, July 8, 2011

yes.. I am strong !!

afieza kan kuat..tabah.. :\

hye.. feel like killing myself n get lost from this world... oh i shouldn't feel like that huh... after all .. problem keeps chasing me n family.. how should i welcome all this PROBLEm.. should i say.. hey thank God u came ... or should i neglect it just like that... how it keeps make me cry.. to this blog... i try to express all my feeling right now... nobody else are there to let me borrow their ears... of no... there are lots.. but i feel like burdening them.. ofkos.. they supposedly happy enjoying their life not buzzy focusing on others problem right..

emm... how should i describe my life right now.. am i happy... or am i satisfied with my life.. or am i sad about my whole story in my life... oh i dont have any answer for every question that i myself made up... hmm....

day by day... accompany by tears... i never asked for that tears to burst off from my eyes....but it happened.... just like that.. what can i do ??? do i now like blaming my fate?? yaaa i seem like that huh... u cant just blame your fate... just 'SABAR'.....

yes..people could only say SABAR... bcoz they just sympathy toward us... they are not in our place... but just with that word SABAR i would like to say thank you to all people who understand our situation especially our hard time..

and wih that..i hope u all will always pray for us for a better life n may Allah hear your DOA... and i really hope u will be Reward by Allah...insyaAllah..... to all.... thank you..n may Allah bless u....

final word... to my dad : u are so special person Allah has created... n i thank Allah bcoz HE give me a SPECIAL DAD like u... n with the situation we a facing now... i really hope that u will always patient n make a correct decision for our family... no rush... no hurry... just ask for Allah help... forever i will always love u... thank you very much....